
Healers usually talk about what they do in terms of energy—a vital life force, which everyone possesses. This force can become depleted when someone is ill, but healers believe that they can transfer their own vital energy to a sick person. There are many different types of healing, including faith healing, which is based on a religious faith shared by healer and patient, and spiritual healing, in which the healing energy is separate from the beliefs of the people taking part. Reiki is a form of healing therapy.

Some studies indicate that healing can be beneficial. It may help to relieve pain, or, by providing comfort, it may help the sufferer to cope with the illness more effectively, even though the actual disease remains.

Professional consultation

Healers work in a variety of ways. Some attempt to transfer their 'healing energy' through their hands, touching you gently. Some hold their hands a few centimetres away from your skin. Others channel healing energy by thinking or praying. You may feel a sensation of warmth as the practitioner places his or her hands on or near your body. A reputable healer may advise you to consult your doctor as well as undergoing healing. Beware of any healer who makes promises to cure or prevent disease, who charges an exorbitant fee or who challenges your religious faith.