Got the Body but Not the Brain?

Talking about fitness and all, we all know that physically fit is also as important as mentally fit. There’s no point having a body like a goddess but you do not have the brain to match with it. So, here I am, thinking of some simple points that we usually neglect in order to keep out mental fit.

  • Read, read and read. No matter what it is, a storybook, newspaper or the back of the cereal box. Reading could encourage your mind to work and keep you sharp.
  • After a long day of hard work and grueling day, do take some time to enjoy a hot shower, go shopping or watching movies. In other word, anything you might enjoy. Studies shows that depression could dull your mind, and easing up those stresses could help a lot.
  • Cut down if not entirely those smoking and drinking. We all know those two is bad for your health and mind you, being healthy not only keep you fit physically but mentally also.
  • Challenge yourself to some mind working game. It could get your mind working creatively.
That and among many other. Well, what I’m trying to tell you is, gorgeous body paired with some sharp mind equal to SEXY! You know what i mean..