Shooting down diabetes myths

Considering all factors involved with diabetes, there’s plenty of room for misinformation. Some of the more persistent misconceptions are:

Myth: If you develop diabetes, you can never eat sugar again.
Truth: People with diabetes can eat sweets, but sugary treats must be part of a careful meal plan (as they should be for people without diabetes).

Myth: I have just a touch of diabetes.
Truth: Either you have diabetes or you don't. Even if your type 2 case doesn't require insulin injections (type 1 always does), it still demands medical attention and careful lifestyle choices.

Myth: I feel fine, so my blood sugar's fine. Truth: High or low blood sugar doesn't always produce symptoms. Regular monitoring is the only way to know for sure where you stand.

Myth: I'm a pro at self-management; checkups are just a waste of my time.
Truth: Your treatment program is never a done deal. Thanks to ongoing research, the medical community is constantly learning more about this complex condition and how best to deal with it. The best way to keep up is to keep up your regular doctor visits.

Myth: If I don't need insulin or drugs, my diabetes isn't serious.
Truth: Diabetes is always serious. Even if diet and exercise keep your blood sugar in check, your cells are still insulin resistant and your condition could get worse if you don't control it.