What is Macular Degeneration?

What It Is
In macular degeneration, the macula - the light-sensitive area in the centre of the retina that controls the central visual field and the ability to see colors - breaks down and impairs your eyesight. Though your peripheral vision - the ability to see the outside edges of the scene you are looking at - remains intact, the centre of your field of vision is blurry, grey or filled with a large blank spot. As a result, the condition may make it difficult or impossible to read, drive, watch television or even recognize someone's face.

There are two forms of this disorder. In age-related ('dry') macular degeneration, the macula thins and bits of debris gather beneath it. The condition develops slowly and accounts for 90% of all cases. In haemorrhagic ('wet') macular degeneration, new blood vessels grow underneath the retina, pushing up like tree roots cracking the pavement above. These fragile vessels often leak fluid and blood, causing scar tissue to form and central vision to deteriorate rapidly.

What Causes It
Damage from free radicals, the unstable oxygen molecules that can harm cells, is probably the leading cause of macular degeneration. A diet high in saturated fats, cigarette smoke and exposure to sunlight can lead to the formation of free radicals in the retina. High blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes may also be contributing factors because they limit blood flow to your eves.

  • A blurry, grey or blank spot in the centre of the field of vision; peripheral vision remains sharp in one or both eyes.
  • Distorted vision, in which straight lines look wavy, printed words seem blurred or objects appear to be the wrong size or shape.
  • Faded or washed-out colors.

When to Call a Doctor
  • If you're over the age of 50, see an ophthalmologist yearly to check for macular degeneration.
  • If you develop any of the above symptoms, see an ophthalmologist immediately. Prompt diagnosis can minimize vision loss.
  • Reminder: If you have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

How Supplements Can Help
Working as antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E and different types of carotenoids can neutralize the free radicals linked to macular degeneration. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are especially important - in fact, the macula's yellow color is due to their presence. They protect the macula by filtering out the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Zinc plays a key role in the functioning of the retina as well. Many older people are deficient in this mineral, and some research suggests that it can slow the progression of the disorder. You may need extra copper if you're taking zinc for longer than a month.

For maximum protection, take all these supplements, plus bilberry. This herb contains antioxidant compounds and enhances blood flow to the retina. Grape seed extract or ginkgo biloba can be substituted for the bilberry. Though neither is as effective as bilberry grape seed may be a good choice if you have poor night vision, and ginkgo is useful for those who also show signs of memory loss. The prescription mineral selenium can be added in an effort to boost the body's overall antioxidant activity.

What else you can do
  • Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your eyes.
  • Stop smoking: it's a major contributor to macular degeneration.
  • Eat lots of dark green vegetables; they're high in the antioxidant carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin.

Facts and Tips
  • Macular degeneration rarely occurs in people under the age of 50. However, a quarter of people over 65 and a third of those over 80 show signs of having the condition.
  • People who smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day are more than twice as likely to develop macular degeneration as those who have never smoked. Even smokers who have given up are 30% more likely to suffer from the disease.
  • People with blue or green eyes need to take special care, because they are particularly susceptible to the sun damage that can cause macular degeneration.

Latest Findings
  • Having a glass of wine a day may prevent macular degeneration. A recent study of more than 3000 people aged 45 to 74 found that drinking moderate amounts of wine reduced their risk of developing the eye condition by 19%. Other alcoholic beverages were not associated with a lower risk.
  • Eating spinach may prevent macular degeneration, because it's very high in lutein and zeaxanthin. In one recent study, people who ate about three cups of spinach a day were 43% less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration than people eating little of this leafy green vegetable.


Anonymous said...

Very informative article.

You have covered a few points here that I was not aware of.

Keep up the great work advocating for those that suffer from age related macular degeneration.

Barry Wheeler