
When the body’s sugar level cannot be controlled, the condition is called diabetes. The most common emergency for a diabetic is low blood sugar. Unconsciousness can rapidly occur unless emergency treatment is administered without delay. If the victim is suffering from too much sugar in the body, deterioration will be slow and there will be enough time to call for an ambulance. When in doubt, always give sugar because it may save the life of a person with a low blood sugar level.

The victim may complain of feeling faint, giddy, and week trembling limbs.

You should look for:
  • Pale and sweating skin
  • Shallow breathing with a rapid pulse rate
  • Confusion and aggressive behaviour
What you should do:
  • Give the victim a sweet drink or sugar lumps to suck if he still conscious and able to swallow. If he is cooperative and able to chew. give him some high-energy food suach as cake, biscuits or a sandwich to raise the blood sugar level.
  • If there is rapid recovery to a fully alert state, seek medical advice about any further care needed.
  • If the victim is losing consciousness, help him onto the floor at once and turn him onto his side, ensuring his airway is kept clear. Call for an ambulance as soon as possible.