Sore Throat

Sore throat is annoying! Especially if you need to use your voice a lot. Allergies, bacterial or viral infections and environmental triggers such as dust, low humidity or smoke are the most common cause of sore throat.

The symptoms? You'll feel pain or burning in throat and sometimes ears, redness. And you'll experience difficulty in swallowing which could be such a pain when you're trying to eat or drink. A lump-like feeling in the throat could also accurs. Your voice will turn hoarse and sometimes you could also find swollen lymph glands under the jaw.

You may think sore throat is just an annoyance but and there's no need to call the doctor for it. But in some cases, it might be wise to do so. For example:
  • When your sore throat is severe and comes on suddenly, you could have strep throat.
  • If you have a fever over 37.5 degrees celcius
  • When you have an extreme difficulty in swallowing.
  • If you develop a rash.
  • If a mild sore throat persist for more than a week. Well, i have to remind you, if any sickness for that matter persist more than a week, it is always smart to go to the doctor.

Vitamin C helps your body to fight the upper respiratory infections that often to be the cause of sore throat. Plus, it could reduce the imflammatory compounds produced by the bodies of people with allergies. Vitamin A speeds the healingof mucous membranes, such as those in the throat. And the herbs echinacea and garlic have antiviral and antibacterial properties. You should start taking them at the very first sigh of throat irritation.

You should also try the zinc lozenges to help prevent a sore throat that have been caused by a cold. study have shown that they may shorten the duration of the illness. If you do not like the taste, you can opt for the slippery elm tea or marshmallow root. These herbs coat the throat, helping you to swallow easier and relief the pain.

Meanwhile, you should also stop smoking and stay away from smoke-filled rooms. Also, you should drink eight or more cups of liquids daily. Warm liquids, such as soup or tea could be most helpful.