Watch What You Eat, Some Mushrooms Can Kill.

While many mushrooms are very tasty, as well as healthy, and make good additives for food, some can be deadly. So before you go out picking mushrooms in your back yard and eating them, read this first, it can save your life. Here are a list of very poisonous mushrooms and their descriptions. Avoid it at all costs.

  • Death Cap: It isn’t named such for nothing. Of all poisonous mushrooms, the death cap is known to be most deadly. It is greenish or pale yellow tinged with green in colour. The stalk is white, with white gills. Cut it up and it has a sweet, slightly sickly smell. Within 6-24 hours, the poison takes effect, and there’s no known antidote for it.
  • Destroying Angel: With its pure white cap, stem and gills, you may be fooled by thinking this mushroom is harmless. But if consumed, it can prove deathly.
  • Yellow Stainer: This mushroom has yellow staining at the base of its white stalk. Also a white cap, yellowing with age. The mushroom can easily pass as a field or horse mushroom. However, it can be recognized by cutting the swollen base of the stalk, which goes a deep yellow. Effects of consuming this mushroom includes vomiting and even coma.
  • Red-staining Inocybe: Light brown conical cap with a pinkish flush or, occasionally, red veins. Distinguished by its gills which turn red when bruised. Consuming this mushroom can lead to death.
  • Panther Cap: This mushroom has a white stalk with a smoky brown cap with flaky white scales on it. The stalk has a series of rings around the base. Eating this mushroom can prove to be lethal.
  • Fly Agaric: Bright red cap with white scales; white gills and white scaly stem. Be careful of this one, as it is especially tempting to children. Rarely fatal, but it can cause violent stomach upsets and hallucination.