Clinical Ecology

Also known as environmental medicine, clinical ecology attempts to heal illnesses that result from our surroundings. Clinical ecologists treat people who suffer from different allergies to foods and those who are adversely affected by chemicals in the environment, such as pesticides and petrol fumes.

A range of disorders may be caused by allergies and similar reactions. Clinical ecologists claim to be able to help people who suffer from asthma, headaches, psoriasis and eczema, repeated stomach upsets, long-standing fatigue, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Professional Consultation
The therapist may order tests of blood, urine and hair to detect your responses to different substances. For food allergies the simplest method of diagnosis is an exclusion diet, in which you eat only a small umber of different foods, gradually adding others until you find one that causes an adverse reaction. With the information from the various methods of analysis, the clinical ecologist recommends a diet or lifestyle that helps you avoid foods or substances that make you ill.